RETURN OF THE SUN ~ Victorian Valley Chapel

By SEA STARS (other events)

2 Dates Through Dec 21, 2019

As the cold winter air quietly persuades the trees to fall into a deep and sacred slumber, we will be gathering by the warmth of the candle light to celebrate community, the gift of darkness and the slow turn of the Earth, back towards the light of the Sun. 

In years past, we have hosted the event at the Orcas Center, The Seaview theater and the Emanuel Episcopal Church. This year, we are honored and elated to have the opportunity to host the performance at our most favorite venue on the island : the Victorian Valley Chapel.

Parking will be located in the upper lot of the chapel hill. 

Seating is limited, so please reserve your space and purchase tickets in advance. 

Doors open at 6:30. Event begins at 7pm.

Tickets are sliding scale- $20-28.
Please pay whatever you're most comfortable with.

If money is not flowing in your life right now, volunteer spots are available.

Please contact us and we'll work out something. 
